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  • Writer's pictureAngela Wilson

Nighttime Crochet Routine

Welcome to Friday Angels! I hope everyone is staying safe and wearing your mask when out. I'm back with crochet braids!! Since last week, I was celebrating my birthday and I wanted something that was easy and low maintenance. It has been so hot here in Virginia and honey these wigs were not cutting it. I was so close to having them riding in the passenger seat with me.

This week I'm going into detail on how I maintain my crochets to keep them looking fresh. I went back to the Afri-Naptural Beach curl, which I did add the color 1b/30 on the bottom and 27 in the top. I also didn't put any product on it. I added only water from the shower. I detangle at night then go in with scissors to cut out all the knots. I finger comb and pull the parts that clump together.

Once I finish going through my entire head, I pull it all up to the top of my head into a pineapple then put it in a bun. Then I took my spray bottle with conditioner and water and clean my edges then I applied oils then wrapped my edges up.

When I let my hair down in the morning it looks amazing. I shake it, then I go. This week I will start putting mousse on it to battle some of the frizz. I will say that some of that is my fault I went two nights just falling asleep and not taking care of it. That's why this will always be my go to it just goes right into looking natural.

I will also show you before I take it out how I wash it. Yes, you can wash your crochet and it will not harm your install so I will make sure to add a clip when I wash it.

Below I will add pictures of the process...

Before Detangling and Trimming

Detangled and Pineapple

Wrapped and edges oiled

Next Morning

That's a wrap Angel's, enjoy your weekend!!! Thank you so much for all your Support!!!

I will leave you guys with this quote I've been living by these last few months "Work on being in love with the person in the mirror who has been through so much but is still standing 💖

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